Lance Bane

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Episode 36: Empowering Leadership - Part 2

Layer #2 in empowering leadership is - “I do. They watch.” How do I know who to select to come close, develop and mentor? In this podcast, Lance offers some suggestions on who to invite close, how to encourage them in development and what we can do to ensure opportunity for success.

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Empowering Leadership - Part 2 Lance Bane


The 5 Layers of Empowering Leadership:

  1. I do it. I witness the work before I ask someone to witness the work.

  2. I do it. They watch. Decide. Develop. Encourage.

  3. They do it. I watch.

  4. They do it.

  5. They do it. A new person watches.

A. How do I know who to select to watch and learn?

B. How do I help them be effective at the crossroads of personal and professional responsibility and opportunity?

Layer #2 - I do it. They watch.
Steve Backlund writes in his book, “A Culture of Empowerment” - “One of our main missions in life is to empower others to become what they never thought they would become. We are called to be influencers.”

A. How do I know who to select or invite? Here are few suggestions:

  1. Someone who has been an answer to prayer or solicitation.

  2. Those who have buy-in through sacrifice, faithfulness and impact, while leading in smaller or other places of responsibility.

  3. Someone who seeks understanding and is living cultural core values.

  4. Someone who wants training; shows an eagerness to learn and contribute.

  5. Someone who has a calling in alignment with what you need or what you are building.

  6. Someone who is recommended by a trusted friend.

  7. Someone who has been highlighted by Jesus. (Prayer, prophetic, personal)

B. How do I encourage during development? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Believe and act upon identity and opportunity when behavior is challenging.

  2. Address challenging behavior/beliefs from a present-future mindset? Where are you going?

  3. What’s the opportunity in front of you? How will this behavior serve you well?

  4. Celebrate when they get it right in values, mindset, beliefs and practices.

  5. Contribute resources that will help them grow.

  6. Train team to manage relational conflict so their development is not short-circuited by relational offense, confusion, pain, etc.

  7. Explain how personal development is helping the team win.

  8. Invite them into places of input. Buy-in requires weigh in.

C. How do I help others be successful? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Inspire through celebration, role modeling and story-telling.

  2. Learn the best role for each team member so they experience the satisfaction of personal contribution while ensuring the team the best chance to win.

  3. Teach core values.

  4. Teach core practices.

  5. Explain culture glossary.

  6. Teach how to communicate bravely and listen.

  7. Coach.

  8. Take action steps/SMART goals.

  9. Learn about each person (love languages, enneagram, DISC, personality, gifts, dreams, birthday, anniversary, etc.)

  10. Observe, learn, adjust; observe, learn, adjust; observe, learn, adjust…

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Music Credits: Pumpkin Spice by Audiobinger --