Lance Bane

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Episode 37: Empowering Leadership - Part 3

In part 3 of Empowering Leadership, Lance walks us through how we can have the right environment for a successful hand-off of leadership and responsibility.

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Empowering Leadership - Part 3 Lance Bane


The 5 Layers of Empowering Leadership:

  1. I do it. I witness the work before I ask someone to witness the work.

  2. I do it. They watch. Decide. Develop. Encourage.

  3. They do it. I watch. - The right components for the best handoff.

  4. They do it.

  5. They do it. A new person watches.

3. They do it. I watch.
Steve Backlund writes in his book, “A Culture of Empowerment” - “One of our main missions in life is to empower others to become what they never thought they would become. We are called to be influencers.”

I feel excited and nervous as I empower others. How can I ensure an efficient responsibility handoff? I need to have in place a few key components such as - Clarity, Coaching and Learning.

Component #1: Clear Environment

  1. Clear job description

    • Given (print or digital).

    • All questions answered.

    • Resources available.

  2. Observe someone experienced

    • Proximity (cubical, seating, arrive early, stay late, passwords, software, appropriate relationships).

    • Trust.

    • Be willing to let mistakes happen.

    • Learning is more important than “getting it done”.

  3. Taking over the role with the key person present and giving feedback

    • Time.

    • Focus.

    • Goal awareness.

    • Celebration.

    • Asses and adjust.

  4. Perform the role with regular meetings to strengthen connection to leadership and wisdom

    • When will you meet?

    • How long is the meeting?

    • What should the person be prepared to present?

    • Is there additional resources needed? What is the goal of the meeting?

    • How will you measure growth?

Component #2: Coaching Environment

  1. What is coaching?

    • Listen well. Ask. Don’t Tell. Establish measurable goals.

  2. Why is it helpful?

    • Experience more transformation - Make radical changes in your own life and see more lasting change in others.

    • Grow faster - Accelerate change and accomplish more without overload.

    • Unleash people - Stop creating dependence and free up your time by empowering others to take action.

    • Develop leaders - Invest more effectively and efficiently in leaders around you to multiply your impact.

    • Improve interpersonal skills - Learn great tools for building deep relationships and having extraordinary conversations.

Component #3: Learning Environment

  1. 3 Types of Learning:

    • Lecture - Matthew 5:1-2

    • Apprenticeship - Luke 10 (72), The Lord’s Prayer

    • Immersion - Matthew 4:19-20

  2. Communication:

    • Listening and speaking - essential for a learning environment.

    • Talk along the way.

    • Speak clearly.

    • Ask questions.

    • Ask for people to share what they heard.

    • Listen for questions.

    • Observe implementation of values and practices. This is faithful to our culture’s DNA while allowing flexibility for innovation. Culture inspires innovation because it embraces creativity.

Click the button below to download a copy of the notes.


  • Backlund, Steve. The Culture of Empowerment: How to Champion People (pp. 68-69). Steve Backlund. Kindle Edition.

  • Stoltzfus, Tony. Leadership Coaching: The Disciplines, Skills and Heart of a Christian Coach (Kindle Locations 723-728). Coach22 Bookstore LLC. Kindle Edition.

Music Credits: Pumpkin Spice by Audiobinger --