Lance Bane

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Divine Whispers: The Unnoticed God Moments in Everyday Life

2m 8s :: 539words

I just read an excellent little piece about Thanksgiving, faith, and growing up with atheist parents by Anne Lamott. Her story involves, later in life, sitting at the holiday table with family and saying grace. I won't recap her entire social media post, but reading her story ushered me back to my childhood when my immediate and extended family would gather hands and say grace. My maternal grandfather (Papa), with his baritone voice and larger-than-life pastoral persona, would say grace and give thanks. Reflecting on these moments, all over again, I can smell the food, hear the Thanksgiving parade on the television, recall adults talking about boring adult things, and put on an extra layer so we won't be too cold as we play tag in the sharp fall air. Then, a common question I frequently ask myself in the inner chambers of my most secretive thoughts comes to mind. Do you have questions that are not yet answered? Here's one of mine, "Why did I wait until I was 19 to become a born-again Christian?" It's perplexing to me why I waited until I was 19 because:

  1. Both sets of my grandparents were pastors, so my family has a rich, long-standing Christian faith. 

  2. My parents effectively grew up in church and are children of pastors. 

  3. A few times, I attended a summer Vacation Bible School. 

  4. My stepdad, mom, and I went to a local Pentecostal church for a few months in middle school. 

  5. In the early months of my senior year in high school, a good friend tragically died in a single-car accident. This opened my heart and mind to the reality of death, the fragility of life, and something beyond this life. 

Growing up, "saying grace" only happened during the holidays because living and practicing the Christian faith was not normative to my upbringing. I don't blame anyone. It's just the way things were. John 6:44 (NIV) says, "No one can come to me [Jesus] unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them at the last day." I can't recall ever feeling "drawn" towards considering Jesus, faith, surrendering my life to God, or forgiveness. Maybe I was "drawn," I just can't remember it until that late summer day in August 1990. 

I say all this to highlight one question, "What truth, insight, or point of understanding is God illuminating for us, but we are too dull or blind to hear or see it?"  I was around Christianity many times and never considered becoming a Christian. I wonder what wonderful gift, opportunity, or growth moment God has for us, and we need our hearts awakened, our senses activated, our understanding illuminated, and our will surrendered to Jesus AGAIN. Please take a moment today and pray this with me, "Holy Spirit, show me what I can't see. Help me hear what I can't hear and understand what's outside my mind. Holy Spirit, assist me to live fully within all the good moments and promises you have for me. Enable me to be a faithful and honest witness of Jesus Christ and all His love. Enable me to share your gospel and serve others. Amen." 

Photo by mostafa meraji on Unsplash