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The Cross is a Gift

SEPTEMBER 12, 2021 - OCTOBER 3, 2021

Experiencing God, having healthy relationships, and loving others the way Jesus does requires that our lives be formed by the cross. In this series, Pastor Lance shares how the cross of Jesus that we carry daily, empowers our lives.

SEPTEMBER 12, 2021 - OCTOBER 3, 2021


Experiencing God, having healthy relationships, and loving others the way Jesus does requires that our lives be formed by the cross. In this series, Pastor Lance shares how the cross of Jesus that we carry daily, empowers our lives.


Cruciform Life
SEPTEMBER 12, 2021

Jesus is working in people’s lives to create a home among humanity. What does that mean for Gateway? In this visionary message, Pastor Lance talks about how Gateway’s partnership with Jesus sounds like and looks like, transforming lives through love. One way we contribute to that purpose is to experience God. Join Pastor Lance as he shares three ideas about experiencing God in a way that leads to positive growth and health.


Cruciform Relationships
SEPTEMBER 27, 2021


Growth & development require honest relationships found within family and friends. In this message, Pastor Lance shares his personal story of how the cross has brought healing, and reveals the healthy attitudes needed for healthy relationships.



Cruciform Love
OCTOBER 3, 2021

As a follower of Jesus continually experiences the love of God, sharing love with others should be natural. In this message, Pastor Lance identifies three helpful ideas to help maintain a lifestyle of sharing love with others.