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MAY 7, 2023 - MAY 22, 2023

Transition - everyone experiences it. In this series, Pastor Lance identifies how transition is different from change, what we can expect, why we experience it, and how we can leverage it in service to others.

MAY 7, 2023 - MAY 22, 2023


Transition - everyone experiences it. In this series, Pastor Lance identifies how transition is different from change, what we can expect, why we experience it, and how we can leverage it in service to others.

Free downloadable eBOOK

Transition is a reality that every person faces and this free ebook is an introduction into this topic.Click the button below to download.

Part 1
MAY 7, 2023


Opening the series on Transition, Pastor Lance shares from his personal life to distinguish the difference between change and transition, the emotions to be expected, what we can hope for in transition and some simple, applicable tips for helping each of us navigate transition productively.



Part 2
MAY 14, 2023

Often, understanding why we experience transition can lessen intense emotions and provide clarity in navigating the new. Pastor Lance offers insight into the transition tension.



Part 3
MAY 22, 2023

In the last episode of this collection on Transition, Pastor Lance offers helpful practices to overcome past negative situations and implement helpful practices for productive transition.