Four Qualities for a Significant Life

705 Words / 2m49s

Recently I was encouraged by a verse from the Bible. During a moment of reflection and prayer, utilizing the verse given to me as a starting point, I reflected upon my life and how Jesus's love and presence have changed me as a person. The change is more than the natural aging process, learning from experience, etc. The difference is more fundamental to the core of who I am, what I believe about me and others, and my life's purpose. For most of us, it's challenging to step into inspirational ideas and beliefs about ourselves. If only life were as easy to live as all the quotable memes make it sound. 

Four qualities emerged during my time of reflection, and they serve as a spiritual and moral compass to help me go forward with Jesus and those I love. With an explanation for each word, I offer these for your consideration and application.

  1. Glory - As made famous by the Westminster Catechism, the chief end of each person is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. Well-known Reformed pastor, John Piper, says, "The chief end of man is to glorify God BY enjoying Him forever." We are here because Someone greater than us offers us to live for something greater than us. In a world with increasing narcissism, self-promotion, and social media platform, it's easier to live for the fame of our name rather than for the fame of the One who sits above the heavens and rules with goodness, justice, and mercy. Live empowered by the One, for the One!

  2. Truth - This quality is prone to change based on society's willingness to morph truth into whatever form is necessary to fit the culture's current passion. If truth is not objective, that is true for all people, in all places, at all times, then can we call it something other than the truth? The phrase "my truth" is widespread today but not new. I identify truth as an essential quality for a life of significance because the human heart flourishes best when governed by the order, laws, and principles of creation. Are we remaining faithful, genuine, and loyal to the working of God in our lives to accurately become who He says we are and therefore are enabled to do what He says we can do?

  3. Meaning - Again, let me remind us that these four qualities emerged from a time of reflecting upon what it looks like to step into the invitations and promises from Jesus. I love this quality because it addresses a heart that is satisfied with its impact upon others. Philosophers, theologians, anthropologists, sociologists, and psychiatrists regularly remind society that what lies within the heart of every person is this, "Why am I here?" Maybe it takes a lifetime to answer this question. As a 50-something Christian man, I am learning that the quality of my life is equal to my ability to love the one in front of me fervently, whoever that may be. The soul is discontent when it's not adding value to others. Rest, peace, fun, beauty, and transcendence are necessary for the thirsty soul. They help us show up each day and offer the world our little piece of significance so that we can help another meet love, dignity, liberty, hope, life, healing, mercy, joy, etc.

  4. Faith - This last quality (and they are not in any order of priority) is all about trust. It's challenging to be entrusted with wisdom and understanding when we are not trustworthy with mystery. You and I know this to be true, "Some things don't make sense. They are unfair and unjust." The "some things" are the loss of a job, a life-long illness, the death of a child, abuse, etc. Trusting in Jesus in every season of life positions us to live a life of significance. Daily showing up in the world depends not on the proper alignment of our circumstances but on our heart being properly aligned with the truth that Jesus is good, even when I don't understand.

I will pay attention to these four qualities over the next season of my life. What qualities are you paying attention to and why? 

Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

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