The Still Small Voice of God

It takes all of us, each doing our part, to stand in the gap for the fulfillment of God's promises in our individual lives, families, church, and city. I was given a word of encouragement in late 2020 that I believe is unfolding, little by little (Exodus 23:30). The summation of the word is that by God's mercy and purpose, He is granting us favor with our city. God is giving us the keys of intercession to unlock gates that lead to a robust and reformational move of the Holy Spirit. I believe that this move is for our lives, families, church, and city. This week, church members shared with me how they are watching God heal their family relationships. God is restoring lost connection, mending broken hearts, and rekindling the security and joy of loving and trusting relationships. What Jesus is doing is sensational, but beloved church family, let's be careful to not over-sensationalize the subtle work of the Holy Spirit and thereby miss the still, small voice of God. The Lord is listening and speaking in everyday conversations in the kitchen, the workplace, and the car. Don't underestimate the power of a simple prayer offered in faith and thanksgiving. Small hinges open big doors. Our seeking first of His kingdom never ends. I stand with you, contending for the fulfillment of all God's promises. Stay hopeful, Beloved!

Photo by Yaoqi on Unsplash

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