Episode 44: Moving People Forward - Part 6

Helping people grow and move forward is an essential and satisfying role in leadership. What’s significant in helping people move forward is that we contribute the right ingredients for their learning environment. In this podcast, Lance shares 5 vital contributions to help people grow and move forward.


Leadership has to look like something. Today, as we talk about moving people forward, I want to share some insight with you about what we can contribute to help people experience our support as they grow.

I love what Graham Cooke says about leadership, “Being the Church in leadership is about wanting the best of one another and desiring to see them grow. It sees people for who they have become and supports them in moving into that place rather than confining them to a role that doesn’t fit them anymore. The priority is to create space for others to experience what God is doing in them. [1]

Ryder Carroll says, in his book, The Bullet Journal Method, “Our efforts are always fueled by some promise.” [2]

The promise I want you to consider today is that we help others move forward by what and how we contribute to their growth and journey.

When we generously and joyfully contribute to the life of others, we are saying, “I believe in you and will invest in who you are and what you are called to accomplish.”

5 Necessary Contributions to Make as a Leader:

  1. Clarity - Invest energy, faith and resources into purpose, calling and destiny.

    • Ask questions.

      • In what area of my life am I losing passion?

      • In what area of my life am I gaining passion?\

    • Share vision and purpose of small group; organization.

    • Provide mentorship in sharing solutions and experiences.

    • Remind others of values.

    • Keep the main thing the main thing.

  2. Knowledge - Learn and grow by gaining new perspective, insight and knowledge.

    • Development leads to fulfillment

    • Mentorship/Coaching

    • Articles

    • Podcasts

    • Books

    • Skills

  3. Opportunity - Encourage learning through application and opportunity.

    • Sow into the life of another, knowing that you and they will reap the rewards of fulfilled purpose and calling.

    • Create defined time and space.

    • Give feedback.

    • Celebrate effort and growth.

    • Find greater opportunities.

    • Tailor opportunities to a person’s passion, skill set and development.

    • Reward risk taking

  4. Trust - Build an environment where failure is not fatal; it’s learning.

    • Be generous.

    • Demonstrate vulnerability.

    • Role model integrity.

    • Have shared experiences.

    • Share your personal history of risk taking, failure and how you learned.

    • Give permission to others.

    • Embrace weakness as strength.

    • Asking teams for buy-in wins more than individual wins.

  5. Joy - Experience joy as strength as we move forward.

    • Have a celebration attitude.

    • Lighten the burden of growth and development with times of play.

    • Recognize and reward others with a sustainable affirming system and culture.

    • Talk about what God is doing.

Resources I use to contribute to others:

  1. Pocket

  2. Evernote

  3. Indexed, Analog Journals

  4. Digital Searchable Notes

  5. #hashtags for Organized Filing and Searching

  6. Text or Email for Sharing and Print for Distribution

  7. Leverage your position and influence to find opportunities for others.

  8. Express trust by being vulnerable and meeting the needs of others.

  9. Meetings that Celebrate


[1] https://brilliantperspectives.com/leadership-creates-space-others-change-grow/
[2] Carroll, 2018, p. 142 — The Bullet Journal Method

Credits: Music - Pumpkin Spice by Audiobinger -- freemusicarchive.org

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